NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Unit 10 Chapter 1 Mallu Bhalu

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Unit 10 Chapter 1 Mallu Bhalu

Question 1.
Where did the polar bear live with her family?
ध्रुवीय भालू अपने परिवार के साथ कहाँ रहती थी?
The polar bear lived in an icy lair with her family.

Question 2.
What did Malu learn to do from her parents?
अपने माता-पिता से मालू ने क्या सीखा?
Malu learnt fishing and swimming from her parents.

Question 3.
Where did Malu want to travel?
मालू कहाँ घूमना चाहती थी?
Malu wanted to travel beyond the vast blue sky.

Question 4.
What was it that Malu’s parents wanted her to learn?
मालू के माता-पिता उसे क्या सिखाना चाहते थे?
They wanted Malu to learn the art of swimming.

Question 5.
Was Malu scared to swim? Did she learn it easily?
क्या मालू तैरने से डरती थी? क्या उसने उसे आसानी से सीख लिया?
Yes, Malu was scared to learn swimming. Yes, she learnt it easily.

Question 6.
Read the last two stanzas of the poem. Whom does ‘she’ stand for in both?
कविता के अंतिम दो खण्डों को पढ़े। दोनों में ‘she’ किसके लिए आया है?
In the first stanza ‘she stands for Malu Bhalu and in the second stanza ‘she’ stands for her mother.

Question 7.
See the picture shown below and talk about it.
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Unit 10 Chapter 1 Mallu Bhalu 1
Attempt yourself.

Use a Chart
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Unit 10 Chapter 1 Mallu Bhalu 2
Now write a detailed character sketch of Malu Bhalu.
Malu Bhalu was a female polar bear. She was young and playful. She was covered with white hair. She was very clever and soon learnt how to fish. She was eager to learn the art of swimming. She was so smart that she learnt this art too quickly. She was bold and fearless. She was adventurous too.

Let’s Talk
Question 1.
Read the following passage carefully.
निम्नलिखित अनुच्छेद को सावधानीपूर्वक पढ़ें।
One day Meena plucks a mango and brings it home. Her grandmother gives the larger piece to Raju because he is a boy. Meena protests. After all, she brought the mango and she is the elder of the two. She insists she has a greater right over her share. Her father comes to her help and divides the mango equally.
Now answer the questions.
अब प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।
(i) Who brought the mango home?
किसने आम घर लाया ?
(ii) Why did Meena’s grandmother give a larger piece to Raju?
मीना की दादी ने बड़े टुकड़े राजू को क्यों दिए?
(iii) Who do you think should have got the larger piece?
आपके विचार में किसे बड़ा टुकड़ा मिलना चाहिए?
(i) Meena brought the mango home.
(ii) Because Raju is a boy.
(iii) In my opinion, Meena should have got the larger piece.

Question 1.
Using the following clues write about yourself in the space below name, place you live in, physical features, habits, likes and dislikes etc.
Do it yourself.

Question 2.
What are the things your mother asks you to do?
वे कौन-सी चीजें हैं जो आपकी माँ आपसे करने के लिए कहती है?

Things you like to doThings you do not like to do
Going to market with my grandfather.Polishing my school shoes.
Giving a glass of water to anyone.Making bed.
Playing in the evening.Getting up early.
Serfing on the net for half an hour.Arranging books and copies in the shelves.

Let’s Write
Question 3.
Malu lived with Malu’s parents in the North Pole. Malu had great fun with Malu’s seagull friends.
One day, Malu’s father told Malu that the hunters had come to trap Malu and Malu’s family. Malu knew how to hide very well. Malu shut Malu’s eyes and curled up like a ball of snow.

The hunters searched for Malu and Malu’s family everywhere but in vain. We can avoid repeating the names by using certain other words in their place. Study the table below.

person speakingI, mewe, us
person spoken toyouyou
other personshe, him, she, herthey, them
places, thingsit

Now rewrite the above paragraph using words from the above table.
Malu lived with her parents in the North Pole. She had great fun with her seagull friends. One day her father told her that the hunters had come to trap her and her family. She knew how to hide very well. She shut her eyes and curled up like a ball of snow. The hunter searched for her and her family everywhere but in vain.

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