English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 6 The Passive

CBSE Class 9 English Workbook Solutions Unit 6 The Passive

Question 1.
Here is a newspaper report of a young girl who went back in time to see how her home town looked seventy years ago.

Dehra Times

Purkul, 7 July, 2015

It is reported that Kareena, a twelve year old girl living in Purkul, went back in time using a time machine.

Seventy years ago her home town was an ideal place to live in. Her home town had not been invaded by the marvels of technology. Industries had not been set up then, so the air was not polluted. She could see children playing in the garden. Some children were listening to the stories told by their grandmothers. Happiness and contentment prevailed everywhere.

In the newspaper report above, the focus is on the changes as observed by Kareena.

  1. Kareena’s hometown had not been invaded by the marvels of technology.
  2. Industries had not been set up.
  3. The air was not polluted.
  4. Some children were listening to stories told to them by their grandmothers.

Question 2.
Fill in the table to identify the subject, verb and object in the sentences listed above. You may include the object/agent where necessary.

had not been
(by) the marvels
of technology.
Was not polluted


Kareena’s hometownhad not been invaded(by) the marvels of technology.
The air
had not been set up
was not polluted
by the authorities.
by the industries.
(told to them by their grandmother)
were being listened toby some children.

Question 3.
Simple passive

Present Passive: “Where are they made?”

Match the words from columns A, B, C, and D to produce factually correct sentences. Write your answer in full sentences. (Remember to make your subject and verb “agree”.)

e.g. Coffee is grown in Brazil.

Orangesproduced inBrazil.
Wineworn inSwitzerland.
Maruti carsareeaten inMalaysia.
Coffeemanufactured inFrance.
The most ex­pensive watchesisgrown inIndia.
Uraniummined inthe Middle East.
SataySouth Africa.


  1. Oranges are grown in Morocco.
  2. Wine is produced in France.
  3. Maruti cars are manufactured in Jndia.
  4. Coffee is grown in Brazil.
  5. The most expensive watches are manu factured in Switzerland.
  6. Uranium is mined in South Africa.
  7. Satay is eaten in Malaysia.
  8. Deshdashes are worn in the Middle East.

Question 4.
Past passive – “Where was it made?”

Look at what your partner is wearing. Imagine where the various items of clothing were (or might have been) made, and tell your partner. Use your imagination!

e.g. A : Was your shirt made in France ?
B : No, actually it was made in Brazil.
Students can practise as follows :

  • A : Was your tie made in England ?
  • B : No, actually it was made in Italy.
  • A : Was your trousers made in the U.S.A. ?
  • B : No, actually it has been made in France.
  • A : Was your pullover made in Switzerland ?
  • B : No, actually it has been made in England.

Question 5.
Passives in Headlines and Notices

Newspaper headlines are short and crisp. They often use the passive as it may not be necessary to focus on the doer.

Sales tax increased

Question 5.1
Expand the following headlines using passives as shown.
(a) Oscar award for A.R. Rahman’s Jai Ho
A.R. Rahman was awarded the Oscar for his song Jai Ho in the movie Slumdos Millionaire.

(b) Son of business tycoon kidnapped
(c) Explosive found near Regal Cinema
(b) A son of a business tycoon was kidnapped while returning home from school by carborne kidnappers at noon.
(c) An explosive was found near Regal Cinema by the sweeper. The police reached the spot in no time.

Question 6.
Convert these sentences into headlines
(i) The sealink between Bandra and Worli has been inaugurated.
(i) _______________________________________
(ii) Twelve non-stop superfast trains have been introduced in the recent railway budget.
(ii) _______________________________________
(iii) One more case of swine flu has been confirmed in Hyderabad.
(iii) _______________________________________
(i) Sealink between Bandra and Worli inaugurated by PM
(ii) Twelve Non-stop Superfast Trains introduced in the Railway Budget
(iii) One more Swine Flu case confirmed in Hyderabad

Question 7.
Read the following captions. Change them into active (voice) and explain their meaning.
e.g. All credit cards accepted.
We accept credit cards.
Meaning: The organization accepts credit cards from customers for all their transactions.

1. Domestic help required
2. All types of computer servicing undertaken.
3. Using cell phones is not allowed (University Campus)
4. Spoken English classes conducted.
5. All Recharge Coupons sold here.
1. We require a domestic help.
Meaning : We, at 78, Tagore Road, Kolkata, require a domestic help. Good salary and proper caretake is assured as per rules.

2. We undertake all types of computer servicing.
Meaning : We, Sunrise Computers, 15C, Model Town Market, Jullundhar, undertake all types of computer servicing at reasonable rates by our qualified computer engineers.

3. University Campus doesn’t allow use of cell phones.
Meaning : Delhi University doesn’t allow use of cell phones in its Campus. If anybody is found using the same will be fined Rs. 2,000.00.

4. We conduct spoken English classes.
Meaning : The English Academy at 16A, Pitampura Market, conducts spoken English classes by qualified teachers. The Academy is well-equipped with the Language Laboratory having the latest gadgets.

5. We sell all Recharge Coupons.
Meaning : We at 33, Sudama Enclave Market, New Delhi sell all Recharge Coupons during official hours.

Question 8.
The Passive in Tentative Statements
The passive is often used in tentative statements where the writer tries to be as neutral as possible.

knowntohave been…
regarded as…

Question 8.1
Look at the box below. Write tentative statements following the pattern in the table above.
English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 6 The Passive Q8

  1. Qutab Minar is regarded as the tallest aneient minaret.
  2. The Sahara Desert is considered to be the hottest region of the earth.
  3. Hieroglyphics is acknowledged to be one of the oldest forms of writing.
  4. The Amazon is believed to be the longest river in the world.
  5. Gun powder and printing are known to have been invented by the Chinese.
  6. Women are considered/said to be healthier than men.
  7. The Cheetah is known to be the fastest land animal.

process writing

Question 9.
Read these instructions from a computer operating manual.
How to start

  1. Link up the monitor, keyboard and printer.
  2. Plug in the main cable.
  3. Switch on the monitor at the back.
  4. When the light appears on the screen, place the Day Disk in Drive A.
  5. Push in the disk until the button clicks out.
    (It takes about 30 seconds for the computer to load the programme.)
  6. Press the Drive button and the disk shoots out.
  7. Replace the Day Disk with the Document Disk.
  8. Press function key 7.
  9. Start work!

Question 9.1
Convert these instructions into the past passive by filling in the blanks. The first sentence has been completed as an example.
Firstly the monitor keyboard and printer were linked up. Then the __________ was __________. The monitor __________ at the back. When the light appeared on the screen, __________ in Drive A. The disk __________ until __________. It took the computer 30 seconds to load the programme. The Drive button __________ and the disk shot out. The __________ with the Document Disk. Finally, __________
The word processor was then ready to use.
Firstly the monitor, keyboard and printer were linked up. Then the main cable was plugged in. The monitor was switched on at the back. When the light appeared on the screen, the Day Disk was placed in Drive A. The disk was pushed in until the button clicked out. It took the computer 30 seconds to load the programme. The Drive button was pressed and the disk shot out. The Day Disk was replaced with the Document Disk. Finally, function key 7 was pressed.

The word processor was then ready to use.

Question 10
At a party, Gautam met a friend (Ravi) who talked about his experiences in staging a play.

Read the dialogue.

Gautam : It’s quite some time since we met. I guess it’s because you’ve been busy as usual.
Ravi : Yes, I’ve been directing a play – Tagore’s Chandalika. Did you hear about it?
Gautam : Yes, I heard it was a great hit. In fact, I was planning to get in touch with you to ask for your help, to put on a play for our Annual Open Day. How did you go about staging your play?
Ravi : Well …. First, we chose three possible plays, and divided ourselves into reading groups. Then we exchanged views and arrived at a decision.
Gautam : What was your next step?
Ravi : Casting, of course. Once we’d got the script ready, we selected the cast.
Gautam : And then?
Ravi : We held auditions for the main parts and then made a preliminary selection. Eventually we were able to make a final choice and assign the roles.
Gautam : How did you plan your rehearsals?
Ravi : We met for a couple of hours every evening. As the play took shape, we held longer and more intensive rehearsals.
Gautam : Who else was involved in the production?
Ravi : The stage crew and the technicians. But they didn’t come in until we were out of the initial phase.
(The conversation continues.)
Gautam decides to make a written record of how Ravi produced a play in order to try it too.

Write this record, using the passive where appropriate. The first few words have been provided for you.

Three possible plays were selected and Ravi’s friends were divided ………..
Three possible plays were selected and Ravi’s friends were divided into reading groups. Then views were exchanged and a decision was arrived at. The next step was of casting. When the scripts were got ready, auditions were held and a preliminary selection was made. Then a final choice for the cast was made and roles (were) assigned. As the play took shape, longer and more intensive rehearsals were made. The stage crew and technicians were only brought in at a later stage.

Question 11.
Present perfect passive

Inspector Narayan has been called to investigate a burglary. When he arrives, there is total chaos in the room. He makes notes about what has been damaged. You are Inspector Narayan. Look at the picture and complete the description, using the Present Perfect Passive.
English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 6 The Passive Q11
Several items in the room have been badly damaged. The carpet has been torn and spoiled. Books have been thrown here and there. The window has been smashed and its bars broken and twisted. The almirah has been broken into and searched. The telephone has been broken and its cable cut. A table has been broken. Drawers (of the table) have been pulled out and searched. Some money has been stolen.

Question 12.
Maintaining a Point of view
Read the following passage. Underline the verbs in the active voice and put circles around verbs in the passive voice. The first two have been completed.

Dr. Godbole arrived at the station at 6.30 pm and (was met) by Professor Salisbury of the Institute of Environmental Studies. After being driven to the Conference Centre for a brief meeting, the Indian forestry expert was taken to his hotel. The following morning, he presented his paper entitled “Save the trees — Save the world” which was greeted with prolonged applause. After his brief visit, Dr. Godbole is reported to have said he was very pleased with its outcome.
Dr. Godbole arrived at the station at 6.30 pm and (was met) by Professor Salisbury of the Institute of Environmental Studies. After (being driven) to the
Conference Centre for a brief meeting, the Indian forestry expert (was taken) to his hotel. The following morning, he presented his paper entitled “Save the trees — Save the world” which (was greeted) with prolonged applause. After his brief visit, Dr. Godbole(is reported) (tohave said) he (wasveiy pleased) with its outcome.

From whose perspective or point of view is this description given? How does the use of the passive voice help maintain this?
The description is given from the point of view of Dr. Godbole. The active voice is used when Dr. Godbole is doing something. However, the passive voice is used when something is being done to/for him.

Question 13.
Review of passives
Look back on the exercises in this Unit. Discuss why the passive is used in each of these different circumstances.
Can you think of any other times when it is best to use the passive?
The passive is used in the following circumstances:

1. The originator {doer) of the action is considered less important than the action itself. In other words, when the action is to be given more importance or is to be highlighted, we use passive voice.

2. We do not want to identify the originator (doer) of the action eg, (in the sentence Oranges are grown in Morocco.)

3. It is not necessary, relevant and not helpful to mention the originator {doer) of the action. For example, in the headline Terrorists Arrested mentioning the Police is irrelevant as it is implied or understood.
This is especially useful when we want to be brief and eyecatching as in headlines, and notices etc.

4. We have to be more objective in a statement. For example, instead of saying ‘I think the Taj Mahal is the most beautiful mausoleum in the world’ we suggest (in not writing ‘I think’) that it is generally thought to be so. This is effectively done in shifting from a subjective view (T think’) to the objective one by not adding ‘I think’.

5. We are writing in a formal and academic style eg, reports of scientific experiments or of meetings etc. In writing these, the emphasis is merely on the facts etc. Therefore, these are to be as neutral and objective as possible. Repeating or mentioning the originator or the doer in them would look foolish.’

6. It is not known about the originator or the doer of the action eg, when a crime has been committed.

7. We want to describe events and actions from a single point of view eg, the report of Inspector Narayan.

(b) The other times when the passive is used are when a commentary is broadcast eg, of the Republic Day Parade etc.

Question 14.
Imagine you are a famous person. Write a brief report (maximum 80 words) of a day in your life. Use the passive voice where you think it is appropriate. An example of how you might start is given below.

I woke up at 7 am and was given tea. It was a lovely cool morning so I decided to walk to the film studio. Normally I am driven….
I woke up at 7 am and was brought tea and newspaper. Normally I wake up at 6 am. At 8 am I was briefed by my PS of important meetings and engagements. The meeting of Education Secretaries was to be held at 9 am and I was driven to the venue at 8.50 am. At 11 am I was taken to Sisters of Charity School to inaugurate the Van Mahotsava Function. I planted a sapling and stressed in my inaugural address the need of afforestation. At 12 noon I was taken to the Vigyan Bhawan to address a Conference of Vice-Chancellors. I was to meet the Delegation of University and College Professors at 4 pm and was driven to the office for the purpose. Important files were seen and orders issued from 4.30 pm to 7 pm. I was taken to the University Auditorium to deliver a lecture at 8 pm.

Question 15.
Future passive
Promises Galore!
Your class will be divided into two groups. One member of each group is contesting an election representing his/her party. The two parties are United Students’ Front and United Youth Power. The group writes the election manifesto stating changes that will be brought about in schools and colleges if their candidate is selected.
Begin like this:
If I am elected, the following changes will be implemented with immediate effect.

1. Participation in any one of the sports activities will be made compulsory.
The candidates will read out their manifesto to the whole class.
Mainly a group activity at class level. The following manifesto can be an answer of one group.

Participation in any of the sports activities will be made compulsory :

  1. School/College time shall be divided equally between academic and sports activities.
  2. Heavy school bags full of books will be reduced to a possible level.
  3. More Practical Activities both in academic and sports shall be introduced.
  4. One hour of the school/college time shall be given to Entertainment Activities.
  5. Special coaches will be appointed to train, guide and instruct the students in maintaining proper health.
  6. A sense of fear, tension, anxiety etc, will be eliminated from the student’s minds.

Question 16.
Prevention is better than cure.
Swine flu has been declared (as) a pandemic.
In groups of four discuss the following.

(a) What has been done by the authorities to cope with the problem?
(b) What are the consequences of such a major world-wide infection?

Write out the answer to the questions as a flowchart using the passive form of the verb.
English Workbook Class 9 Solutions Unit 6 The Passive Q16
Meant for group discussion at class level.
Answers to questions (a) and (b) as are follows :


  1. Sufficient information about preventive measures has been disseminated through print and electronic media all over the country.
  2. Special laboratories for testing have been set up at almost all govt, hospitals.
  3. Hospitals have been supplied with the prescribed medicine ‘Tamiflu’ in sufficient quantities all over the countries.
  4. Health Ministry officials both at centre and state levels have been posted to spread awareness about the swine flu and how to cope up with its incidence.

(b) If such a major world-wide infection occurs, the results will be disastrous. These could be like :

  1. death of millions of people
  2. turmoil all over the world among humans
  3. international traffic ground to a halt
  4. economies of many countries will stand affected
  5. many sectors will be affected so much that more panic will prevail.

Flow Chart


(a) Swine flu caused by a virus/Swine flue declared as pandemic
(b) International community gets on High Alert
(c) Panic conditions will prevail leading to international crisis. A worldwide effort is on to find the cure of the disease.