NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Reader Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper

Question 1.
Sometimes we see something beautiful and striking, and we remember it for a long time afterwards. Can you recollect this ever happening to you? If so, what was it? What do you remember about it now? Are the details of what you saw or the feelings you experienced at that time fresh in your mind? Think for a few minutes, then share your thoughts with the class.
A Classroom Activity.

Question 2.
Listen to one of William Wordsworth’s poems that describes a memorable experience he had while out on a walk. (Your teacher will play a recording.) Listen to the poem at least twice.
Do it yourself.

Question 3.
See textbook on page 69.
Do it yourself.

Question 4.
Imagine that you are the poet, William Wordsworth. You continue on your walk, and when you reach home you tell a friend what you saw and felt. Which of the following best describes your experience? (Work in pairs, then have a class discussion.)
(a) “I was walking past some fields when I saw a young girl, a farm worker, harvesting grain by hand, with a sickle. She was so beautiful that I stood out of sight and watched her for a long time. I have never seen anyone more gorgeous! In fact, she reminded me of other beautiful experiences I’ve had—the song of the nightingale or the cuckoo, for instance. I’d certainly like to see her again!”
(b) “As I was standing on the hill top just now, I heard a very sad and plaintive song. I looked down, and saw a young woman reaping grain, singing as she did so. She seemed very melancholy as she sang. But somehow her song brought great comfort and joy to me. In fact, I found it a very emotional experience. As I continued my walk along the hill top, I also heard a nightingale and a cuckoo. But the young farm worker’s song affected me most deeply, even though I couldn’t understand the words.”
(c) “Just now, as I was walking in the valley, I saw a young farm worker in die field. She was singing to herself as she worked. I was so affected by her singing that I stopped and listened. She had a beautiful voice, which seemed to fill the whole valley. The song was a sad one, and I couldn’t understand the words. But its plaintive tone and melancholy sound tquched me greatiy, and, its beauty reminded me of the song of a nightingale or a cuckoo. After some time I walked up the hill, carrying the memory of the young woman’s song with me.”
The best answer is ‘(c)’.
[A Classroom Activity]

Question 5.
The poet could not understand the words of the song, yet he raised several possibilities about its theme. In the diagram below are some of these possibilities. Read the third stanza again, and find the phrase that matches each. Copy and complete the diagram, writing each phrase in die empty boxes. Work in pairs:
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Q5
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Q5.1

Question 6.
On the basis of your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions by ticking the correct choice:
(a) The central idea of the poem ‘ The Solitary Reaper’ is
(i) well sung songs give us happiness
(ii) melodious sounds appeal to all
(iii) beautiful experiences give us lifelong pleasure
(iv) reapers can sing like birds
(iii) beautiful experiences give us lifelong pleasure

(b) In the poem ‘ The Solitary Reaper ’ to whom does the poet say “Stop here or gently pass’?
(i) to the people cutting com
(ii) to himself
(iii) to the people who make noise
(iv) to all the passers-by
(iv) to all the passers-by

(c) ’The Solitary Reaper’ is a narrative poem set to music. This form of verse is called a ……..
(i) ballad
(ii) soliloquy
(iii) monologue
(iv) sonnet
(i) ballad

(d) The poet’s lament in the poem ‘ The Solitary Reaper’ is that
(i) he cannot understand the song
(ii) he did not know the lass
(iii) she stopped singing at once
(iv) he had to move away
(i) he cannot understand the song

(e) The setting of the poem is
(i) Arabia
(ii) Hebrides
(iii) Scotland
(iv) England
(iii) Scotland

Question 7.
(a) Read the second stanza again, in which Wordsworth compares the solitary reaper’s song with the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo. On the basis of your reading (and your imagination), copy and complete the table below. (Work in groups of four, then have a brief class discussion.)

PlaceHeard byImpact on listener
Solitary ReaperScottish Highlandsthe poetholds him spellbound

(b) Why do you think Wordsworth has chosen the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo for comparison with the solitary reaper’s song?
(c) As you read the second stanza, what pictures come to your mind? Be ready to describe them in your own words, to the rest of the class. (Do not be afraid to go beyond what the poet has written.)

PlaceHeard byImpact on listener
Solitary ReaperScottish Highlandsthe poetholds him spellbound
NightingaleArabian Sandsweary travellersfeel refreshed

(b) The nightingale and the cuckoo are the two birds which are famous for their sweet and melodious songs. So, it is quite natural that Wordsworth compares the sweet song of the solitary reaper to these birds.

  • The first picture that comes to my mind is the desert of Arabia. The scorching sun is burning everything. Poor travellers are tired and thirsty. They are making their camels run for some shady haunts. At last, they find a shady place with water. They lie down to have some rest. Suddenly, a melodious voice captures their hearts. The nightingale’s song refreshes the tired travellers. They are up again for their onward journey.
  • The Hebrides are wrapped in silence. A ship anchors there. A sweet voice breaks the silence of the seas. It is the melodious voice of the cuckoo. The song thrills all the seamen. The whole mountain region resounds with the song.

Question 8.
In the sixth line of the first stanza, we read:
“… and sings a melancholy strain…. ”
This “s” sound at the beginning of sings and strain has been repeated. Poets often do this.
Do you know why? Do you know what this “poetic repetition” is called? Can you find other instances of this, in The Solitary Reaper?
In ‘sings’ and ‘strain’, “s” sound has been repeated. The use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together is quite common in poetry. This “poetic repetition is called “alliteration”. It is used to heighten the musical and lyrical impact of the poem.
Repetition of “s” sound in ‘silence of the seas’.
Repetition of “a” sound in ‘Among Arabian Sands’.
Repetition of “1” sound in ‘Listened, motionless and still’.

Question 9.
In the first stanza, some words or phrases have been used to show that the girl working in the fields is alone. Which are those words and phrases? What effect do they create in the mind of the reader?
The poet uses some words or phrases in the first stanza to show that the girl working in the field is alone. These words are:
“Single” in the field
“solitary” Highland lass
singing “by herself’
“Alone” she cuts
These words and phrases focus our attention solely on the reaper. We keep our eyes only on her and our ears to her melodious song. These words create a sense of‘mystery’ and the presence of a lonely girl among those natural surroundings does create a romantic setting.

Question 10.
Wordsworth was so moved by this experience that later he wrote this poem. Think back in your own life and try to recall an experience that affected you greatly and left a deep impact on you. Then write a poem for your school magazine in which you describe that experience and its impact.
For. self-attempt.

Paraphrase & Reference To Context

Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:
Question 1.
Behold her, single in the field,
Yon solitary Highland lass!
Reaping and singing by herself;
Stop here, or gently pass!

(Lines 1-4)

अनुवाद : उस स्कॉटलैण्ड के पहाड़ी क्षेत्र में रहने वाली युवा लड़की को अकेले खेत में काम करते हुए देखो। वह अकेली अपने आप फसल काट रही है। या तो यहां रूक जाओ (और उसे चुपचाप देखते रहो) या फिर चुप-चाप यहां से गुजर जाओ।

Paraphrase: The poet asks us to look at a young girl of the mountainous region of Scotland. She is reaping and binding the crop all by herself. No one is there to help her. The poet suggests of two options. Either you stand and watch her working or gently pass from there without disturbing her.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q1
(a) Which region does the solitary reaper belong to?
(b) What was the girl doing?
(c) What does the poet suggest?
(a) The girl belongs to the mountainous highland region of Scotland.
(b) The girl was reaping and singing by herself in the field.
(c) The poet suggests the passers-by either to stand silently and listen to her song or leave the place silently.

Question 2.
Alone she cuts, and binds the grain,
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! for the vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.

(Lines 5—8)

अनुवाद : वह अकेली ही फसल काट कर उसे बाँध देती है। और (काम करते करते) वह एक उदास करने वाला गीत गाती है। ओ सुनो। (सारी) गहरी घाटी उसके गीत की ध्वनि से ओत-पोत हो रही है।

Paraphrase: The solitary reaper is alone in the field. She cuts and binds the grain all herself. And she is singing a sad song. The poet urges us to listen to her song. The deep valley is overflowing with the sound of the reaper’s song.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q2
(a) What is the girl doing in the field?
(b) What is the nature of her song?
(C) What is the result of the song?
(a) The girl is reaping and binding the sheafs of grain.
(b) Her song is melodious but sad.
(c) The whole valley is overflowing with the sound of the reaper’s song.

Question 3.
No nightingale did ever chant
More welcome notes to weary bands
Of Travellers in some shady haunt.
Among Arabian Sands;

(Lines 9—12)

अनुवाद : शायद (आज तक) किसी भी बुलबुल ने अरब के मरुस्थलों में छायादार जगहों (मरुद्यानों) में थके हुए यात्रियों के समूह के सामने इससे अधिक सुरीले स्वागत गीत नहीं गाये होंगे।

Paraphrase: No nightingale ever sang such melodious welcome songs to the groups of tired travellers resting in shady places in the desert of Arabia.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q3
(a) What is the poetic device used in comparing the song of the reaper and the nightingale?
(b) How does the girl’s song affect the tired travellers in the desert?
(c) What is a shady haunt?
(a) The poet uses a simile to compare the two songs.
(b) The girl’s song soothes the tired travellers with its melodious welcome notes. It affects in the way as the travellers haunting in the desert finds a shade.
(c) A shady haunt is a place in a desert where water and shady trees are found.

Question 4.
A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard
In spring-time from the cuckoo-bird.
Breaking the silence of the seas
Among the farthest Hebrides.

(Lines 13–16)

अनुवाद : स्कॉटलैंड के इस दूरस्थ द्वीप समूह में, वसंत के समय इसके पूर्व कभी भी समुद्र की खामोशी को भंग करती कोयल की ऐसी रोमांचक आवाज नहीं सुनी गई थी।

Paraphrase: The poet says that such a sweet voice was never heard by him even from the cuckoo in the spring season. The voice of the girl was so sweet that it broke the silence of the seas and of the far off islands on north-western cost of Scotland.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q4
(a) Whose voice fascinated the poet so much?
(b) Why does the poet compare the girl’s voice with that of cuckoo?
(c) Write the adjective form of ‘silence’.
(a) The voice of the reaper enthralled the poet very much.
(b) The voice of a cuckoo is very sweet. That is why the poet compares the sweet voice of the reaper with that of a cuckoo.
(c) Silent.

Question 5.
Will no one tell me what she sings?
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago:

(Lines 17—20)

अनुवाद : क्या मुझे कोई यह नहीं बतायेगा कि वह क्या गा रही है? शायद उसके उदास गीत किसी पुरानी, उदास या उन चीजों के बारे में हैं जो बहुत पहले घटी थीं। शायद उसके गीत उन लड़ाइयों के बारे में हैं जो बहुत पहले लड़ी गयी थीं।

Paraphrase: The poet can’t guess the subject matter of her song. He asks if any one can tell him what the theme of her songs is. Then, he himself makes a guess. Perhaps her sad songs are related to some old, unhappy events that took place in the distant past. It is possible that her song is related to the battles that were fought long long ago.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q5
(a) Does the poet know anything about the subject matter of the reaper’s song?
(b) What is the nature of her song?
(c) What does the poet guess about the theme of the reaper’s song?
(a) The poet doesn’t understand the subject matter of the reaper’s song. Perhaps she is singing in a different dialect.
(b) Her song is sad but melodious.
(c) Perhaps the reaper is singing about old and unhappy things of the past. Her song may be related to some battles that were fought long ago.

Question 6.
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
that has been, and may be again?

(Lines 21—24)

अनुवाद : या फिर इसका गाना आजकल के साधारण मामलों से सम्बंधित है। या फिर वह अपने गाने में किसी प्राकृतिक विपदा, हानि, या कष्ट का वर्णन कर रही है, जो पहले घट चुका है और आगे भी घट सकता है।

Paraphrase: It is quite possible that her song is related to some ordinary and unimportant matters of day-to-day life. It is quite possible that in her song she is describing some natural calamity, loss or pain that happened in the past and may happen again in future.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q6
(a) Explain: ‘Or is it some more humble lay’.
(b) What can be ‘some natural sorrow?’
(c) What is the rhyme-scheme of the given lines?
(a) The reaper’s song may be about some ordinary and unimportant things.
(b) The ‘natural sorrow’ can be some natural calamity or disaster.
(c) The rhyme-scheme of the lines is aa, bb.

Question 7.
Whate’er the theme, the maiden sang
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
And o’er the sickle bending;

(Lines 25—28)

अनुवाद : चाहे उस कन्या के गीत को भाव (विषय) कुछ भी रही हो, उसने ऐसा गाया जैसे कि उसके गीत का कोई भी अन्त न हो। मैंने उसे झुक कर अपना काम करते और गाना गाते सुना। और वह झुक कर दराँती से फसल काटती गा रही थी।

Paraphrase: Whatever might be the theme of the maiden’s song, she sang in a way that it appeared to have no ending. The poet saw her singing at her work and bending over her sickle.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q7
(a) What is the rhyme-scheme of the given lines?
(b) How did the poet feel about the song?
(c) What was the girl doing?
(a) The rhyme-scheme of the given lines is abcb.
(b) The poet felt as if the song would never end.
(c) The girl was bending over the sickle while reaping and singing.

Question 8.
I listen’d, motionless and still
And, as I mounted up the hill,
The Music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.

(Lines 29-32)

अनुवाद : मैंने बिना हिले-डुले, चुपचाप (शांति से) उसके गाने को सुना। और जैसे मैं पहाड़ी पर चढ़ा, तो मेरे दिल में उसका संगीत उतर गया और उसके समाप्त होने के कफी अरसे बाद तक दिल में समाया रहा।

Paraphrase: The poet listened to the song of the reaper silently without disturbing her. Then he climbed up the hill. The song entered deep in the heart of the poet. He heard its echo in his heart long after it was heard no more.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Chapter 8 The Solitary Reaper Paraphrase Q8
(a) What did the poet do?
(b) What was the effect of the song?
(c) What is the rhyme-scheme in the given lines?
(a) The poet stood motionless listening to the melodious song of the reaper.
(b) The song had a profound impact on the poet. It echoed in his heart long after it was heard no more.
(c) The rhyme-scheme of the given lines is aa, bb.

Extract Based Questions            (3 Marks each)

Question 1:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions/complete the sentences that follow:
‘Behold her, single in the field,
Yon solitary highland lass !
Reaping and singing by herself;
Stop here or gently pass!’                                                                  (Board Term 12014, MZPD310)
(a) Why does a speaker ask to stop or gently pass?
(b) To whom does the poet say ‘stop here or gently pass’ !
(c) What does ‘behold her’ mean?
(a) The speaker says so lest the girl should be disturbed and stop singing?
(b) To the passers-by
(c) look at her                                                                     (CBSE Marking Scheme 2014) (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 2:
“Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow.
For old, unhappy, far off things.”
(a) What do the ‘plaintive numbers’ refer to?
(b) Why does the poet use the word ‘perhaps’ here?
(c) Pick out a word similar in meaning to ‘to move continuously’.       
(a) ‘The plaintive numbers’ refer to, the highland girl’s
(b) The poet uses the word ‘perhaps’ here because he does not know her language.
(c) Flow.                                                                        (CBSE Marking Scheme 2013) (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 3:
“I listened motionless and still And, as I mounted up the hill,
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.”
(a) What music is the poet talking about in these lines?
(b) What effect does the music have on the poet?
(c) How is the poet able to hear this music even after the maiden has stopped singing?
(Board Term 12012, Set 39)
(a) The poet is talking about the music of the maiden’s song in these lines.
(b) The music mesmerizes the poet and he stops to listen to it. He carries the memories of the song in his heart long after he moves away from the scene.
(c) The poet carries the music as a cherished memory in his heart.                                        (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 4:
‘A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard
In spring time from the cuckoo bird;
Breaking the silence of the seas ………….
Among the farthest Hebrides”
(a) Why does the poet compare the reaper’s voice to the song of the cuckoo bird?
(b) Name the poet of the poem.
(c) Name the literary device used in the third line.                                             (Board Term I 2012, Set 41,47)
(a) The poet feels that the girl’s voice is sweeter than the sweet voice of the cuckoo, that is why; he makes this comparison.
(b) William Wordsworth.
(c) Alliteration/personification.                                                                                                (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 5:
“Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of today?
Some natural sorrow loss or pain,
That has been and may be again?”
(a) Who is singing and where?
(b) What is the poet trying to guess?
(c) What does ‘humble lay’ stand for?                                                                (Board Term I 2012, Set 46)
(a) The Solitary Reaper is singing in the field.
(b) The poet is trying to guess the theme of the song.
(c) ‘Humble lay’ stands for common man of the song and the song may be about the common, simple people or situations.                                                                                                                         (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 6:
“Alone she cuts and binds the grain;
And sings a melancholy strain;
Listen for the vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.”
(a) Who is ‘she’ in the above lines?
(b) What kind of a song is she singing?
(c) What does the expression ‘vale profound’ mean?                                         (Board Term I 2012, Set 53)
(a) ‘She’ in the above lines refer to the solitary reaper.
(b) She is singing a sad and melancholic song.
(c) ‘Vale profound’ means the deep valley.                                                                   (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 7:
“No nightingales did ever chant,
More welcome notes to weary bands,
Of travellers in some shady haunt,
Among Arabian Sands.”
(a) Who are the weary bands?What welcome notes do they hear?
(b) Why are the notes of the nightingale welcome?
(c) What are “Arabian Sands”?                                                                        (Board Term I 2012, Set 54)
(a) The weary bands are the travellers.They hear the welcome notes of the nightingale.
(b) The notes of the nightingale are welcome because they are sweet and soothing.
(c) Deserts signifying weariness are the ‘Arabian Sands’.                                                (1 × 3 = 3)

Short Answer Type Questions  

Question 1:
How was the poet affected by the song of the Solitary Reaper?
(Board Term 12014, NCT-R/ZEZDXJX; 2012, Set A1)
What is the effect of Solitary Reaper’s song on die poet William Wordsworth? (Board Term 12012, Set 58)
The poet was spellbound by the sweetness of the song of the Solitary Reaper. Though, he could not understand the language of the song, he stood there motionless and captivated enjoying the melodious song. It fascinated him so much that he carried its sweet melody in his heart for a long time.

Question 2:
Why was William Wordsworth fascinated by the Solitary Reaper’s song?
(Board Term 12013, AGRO-91; 2012, Set 34)
The poet was spellbound when he heard the melancholic song of a Solitary Reaper in Scotland. She was alone, reaping the harvest. The melodious song fascinated him so much that he compared it with the song of a nightingale and a cuckoo.

Question 3:
Why does the poet want the passers-by to “stop here or gently pass”?
(Board Term 12012, Set 35,37,60)
The poet was fascinated by the melodious song of the Solitary Reaper.The musk of her song and the melodious voice made him spellbound.The girl was busy in her work.So, the poet wishes the passers-by to “stop here or gently pass” so as to not disturb her.

Question 4:
Why is the nightingale’s song a welcome song?                                        (Board Term 12012, Set 42)
The poet feels that the weary travellers would forget their tiredness and they would feel refreshed when they, listened to the melodious notes of the nightingale’s song.The soothing song would give relief to the travellers from fatigue and exhaustion, that is why he compares it to a ‘welcome song’.

Question 5:
Why has William Wordsworth compared the Solitary Reaper’s song with the song of a nightingale and a cuckoo bird?(Board Term 12012, Set 48)
William Wordsworth has compared the Solitary Reaper’s song with the song of a nightingale and a cuckoo bird to emphasize the sweetness of the girl’s song.He himself is spellbound and the song resounds in his ears long afterwards.

Question 6:
What are the probable themes of the song sung by the Solitary Reaper? (Board Term 12012, Set 49,71)
The probable themes of the songs sung by the Solitary Reaper which the poet presumes are a tale of some far off happening, or of a natural sorrow, or of a loss or of a parting from some dear ones.

Question 7:
Why does the poet call the reaper ‘Solitary’?                                                  (Board Term 12012, Set 50)
The poet calls the reaper ‘Solitary’ because she is all alone in the field, reaping the crop and singing a sad song all to herself.

Question 8:
How does the poet bring out the beauty of the song of the Solitary Reaper?    (Board Term 12012, Set 72)
He compares her song to the sweet notes of the nightingale and the cuckoo, both birds that sing in romantic surroundings. The song of the nightingale is a very welcome sound to the tired travellers as it signifies that they are approaching an oasis. The song of the cuckoo bird brings joy to the listeners as it is a harbinger of spring after the long, cold winter. The song of the reaper arouses the same feelings of pleasure and joy in the poet’s heart. It also lends a feeling of romance to the poem.

Question 9:
How was the poet affected by the song of the Solitary Reaper?                        (Board Term 12010, Set A1)
The poet was held spellbound by the sweetness of the song. He stood motionless and still so that he could listen to her song. The melodious song fascinated him so much that he carried its sweet melody in his heart for a long time.

Question 10:
The poet could not understand the theme of the song? Why? What were the guesses made by him?
(Board Term 12010, Set B1)
The poet could not understand the theme of the song because the dialect used by the reaper was unfamiliar to him.He presumed that she might be singing about some battles fought long ago or some personal sorrow due to some tragic incidents in the past.

Question 11:
Where was the Solitary Reaper? How did the poet hear her?                                (Board Term 12010, Set B2)
The Solitary Reaper belonged to Scotland. She was alone in the fields. The poet was passing that way when he heard the girl singing while reaping the harvest. The whole valley was resounding with her melodious voice. The poet stood motionless to listen to her song.

Question 12:
The ‘Solitary Reaper’ describes a memorable experience of William Wordsworth. Describe.
(Board Term 12010, Set A1)
The poet describes the memorable experience which he had a long time ago. A young girl was standing all alone in a Scotland valley and was singing a song. The song was so enchanting that the poet compared if to the song of a nightingale or a cuckoo. He was spellbound and stood there for a longtime. Even now he remembers her song as he carried the memory of the young girl’s song in his heart. ‘

Question 13:
The Solitary Reaper sings a melancholy strain. How does it affect the poet? (Board Term 12010, Set C2)
The poet was very much moved by the song of the reaper, because even though he could not understand the language he could understand well that it was a sad song.

Question 14:
When and where does the cuckoo sing?                                     (Board Term T2010, Set C2)
The cuckoo sings in spring time, in the most remote group of Islands (Hebrides) that lie to the north west of Scotland.

Question 15:
Discuss the comparison of the Solitary Reaper’s song with the other birds as given in the poem.
(Board Term 12010, Set Cl)
The Solitary Reaper’s song was sweeter than the song sung by the nightingale or the cuckoo bird. The poet compares the Solitary Reaper’s song to that of a nightingale or a cuckoo bird. He says that the solitary reaper’s song is as much welcoming to the heart as that of a nightingale’s song to a weary traveller. He says that it induces as much thrill in the atmosphere as that of a cuckoo bird announcing the arrival of the spring time.

Question 16:
At the end how did the poet react to the reaper’s song in the poem ‘The Solitary Reaper’?
(Board Term I 2010, Set C2)
The poet was very much touched by the song of the reaper even though he could not understand the language, he could understand well that it was a sad song.

Question 17:
How could the poet hear the song of the Solitary Reaper? When could it be heard no more?
(Board Term 12010, Set B1)
The poet could hear the song as he carried the music in his heart. He remembered the music even after he could not hear the song any more.

Question 18:
Does the title ‘The Solitary Reaper’ suit the poem? Comment.           (Board Term 12010, Set B1)
The title ‘The Solitary Reaper’ is quite significant. The girl was all alone in the field, reaping and binding the grains.She was quite engrossed in her work and singing. She was unaware of the presence of the poet or other passers-by, the whole valley was echoing with her sad song which equally specifies that the reaper was all alone.

Question 19:
How has the poet made use of the comparisons in ‘The Solitary Reaper’?   (Board Term 12010, Set A1)
‘The Solitary Reaper’ is a poem in which beautiful comparisons have been made. The girl is compared to the talented singers of nature like the nightingale and the cuckoo bird. But her song is even more melodious than theirs. The song mesmerizes the poet who stands still just to listen to the melodious song of the reaper.

Question 20:
How is an aura of mystery and magic created in the poem?                                             
The song sung by the Solitary Reaper is melodious and magical. It is sweeter than the songs of the nightingale and the cuckoo bird. Her melodious voice cast a spell on the poet Who is mesmerized by the melody of the song. The song haunts him for a long time and leaves an everlasting impression on his mind,

Question 21:
Why do you think Wordsworth has chosen the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo for comparison with the Solitary Reaper’s song?
Wordsworth has compared her song with the songs of the cuckoo and the nightingale because both ore very melodious and have a very sweet voice.
Their songs always have a thrilling effect.They are liked by many poets and travellers.
The poet himself is spellbound as the solitary reaper’s song resounds m his ears long afterwards.

Question 22:
In the first stanza, some words or phrases have been used to show that the girl working in the fields is alone. Which are those words and phrases? What effect do they create in the mind of the reader?
The words-‘single’, ‘solitary’ and ‘singing by herself’ emphasize that the solitary reaper was working all alone and in a lonely place.
The reader is forced to feel that she has experienced something tragic in the past and these phrases relate to her tragedy,they also create a picture of romance and isolation.

Long Answer Type Questions  

Question 1:
William Wordsworth describes the scene of the solitary reaper to his sister Dorothy in a letter. As Wordsworth write the letter.                                                                                                                                      (Board Term 12012, Set 72)
667 Maple Road
25th December, 20xx
Dear Dorothy,
I want to share my experience with you when I was in Scotland during the summer season. I had such a memorable experience that I could not restrain myself from writing to you.
I have had a wonderful time walking in the countryside and feel the need to share my feelings with you. While walking, my feet were arrested by a musical voice which was filling the valley. A highland girl was cutting the grain and singing on her own. She was oblivious of anyone. Her voice was certainly sweeter than that of the nightingale in the Arabian desert. There was a thrilling quality about her song. I was reminded of the Cuckoo bird’s song in the Hebrides island. I couldn’t understand the words as she was singing in a strange dialect, but the tone made me feel that it was a sad song.As I continued on my walk, her voice kept reverberating in my ears.I shall never forget it. I really missed you at that time, lake care of yourself.
Yours lovingly,

Question 2:
How has the poet brought out that the song sung by the Solitary Reaper was really enchanting and incomparable?                                                                                                             (Board Term 12012, Set 40)
The song is enchanting and the poet is mesmerized by it. He compares it to the songs sung by the nightingale and the cuckoo. He feels that the song sung by the maiden is better than the songs sung by these birds that are known for enchanting people with their beautiful songs. The song has left a permanent mark in his heart. It has left an everlasting impression on his mind. It has remained a lovely memory with the poet for ever afterwards. The music had a calming effect on him and he has carried the music in his heart.

Question 3:
“Music is a universal language that binds us all.” Write a diary entry describing your experience of listening to the reaper’s song.                                         (Board Term 12012, Set 61)
Imagine you are William Wordsworth. Write a diary entry in about 150 words describing your experience of listening to the reaper’s song.                         (Board Term 12012, Set 52)
Wordsworth had a wonderful experience listening to file highland girl while out for a walk in the countryside.He comes home and pens down his feelings in his diary. Write his diary.
(Board Term 12010, Set C2)

Monday 26‘November,20×× 10.30p.m.
Dear Diary,
I had such a wonderful time walking in the countryside and feel the need to record my feelings.While walking, my feet were arrested by a musical voice which was filling the valley. A highland girl was cutting the grain and singing on her own. She was oblivious of anyone. Her voice was certainly sweeter than that of the Nightingales in the Arabian desert.There was a thrilling quality about her song. I was reminded of the Cuckoo bird’s song in the Hebrides island. I couldn’t understand the words as she was singing in a strange dialect, but the tone made me understand that it was a sad song. As I continued on my walk, her voice kept reverberating in my ears. I shall never forget it.

Question 4:
Some beautiful experiences amidst nature become sweet memories to us. Reflecting upon William Wordsworth’s poem ‘The Solitary Reaper’ write your memories in the form of a diary entry.                      
Sunday 26th April,2013
10:00 a.m.
Dear Diary,
Natural experiences that man comes across enhance his inner joy. They bring him closer to God and his creation. They leave an everlasting impact on his mind and heart. I had a similar experience with nature. While passing through the hills of Scotland, a melodious song caught my attention. The song was so enchanting and melodious
that it still lingers in my ears. The entire valley seemed to be flooded with the beautiful voice of the Solitary Reaper The song was so captivating that I stood there motionless so as not to disturb her singing.
The song was sweeter than the sweet notes of both the nightingale and the cuckoo, who sing in romantic surroundings. I couldn’t understand the theme of the song as the dialect was unfamiliar to me. Perhaps, she was singing some sad and plaintive note. Whatever the theme, the music of the song made me spellbound and I stood there motionless listening to the girl’s song. It seemed as if the song was never-ending. It touched my heart. The. song has left an everlasting impression on my mind. I still bear in my heart the memory of the melodious song.
Thank you diary.

Question 5:
How does the poet bring out the incomparable quality of the reaper’s song? What effect does it have on the poet?                                                                                                                                Answer:
The incomparable quality of the reaper’s song is brought out by comparing her with the nightingale and the cuckoo bird. These two birds are best known for their remarkable and melodious quality of singing. The poet is impressed by the girl’s song and says that she sang better than these two singing birds. The poet is spellbound by the magic of the song. It leaves an everlasting impression on his mind.

Question 6:
How has Wordsworth admired and idealised the simple rustic life in ‘The Solitary Reaper’?   
Wordsworth was an admirer of simple rustic life. The ‘Solitary Reaper’ is a Scottish peasant girl who is full of life. She is reaping and binding the grain, but all this time, she is singing all by herself, unaware of the poet’s presence. The song is sung in an unfamiliar dialect; hence, the theme of the song is not clear to the poet. Even then the song is melodious and the poet carries its everlasting memory with him.