NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 12 Changing Times

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 12 Changing Times

1. Where did she or he live?
Ans. He lived in a village.

2. From what material was her or his house made?
Ans. His house was made of thatched bamboo, wood, straw and mud.

3. Did they have a toilet in their house?
Ans. Yes, they had toilet in their house.

4. In which part of the house was food cooked?
Ans. Their food was cooked in the verandah which was separated by a wall.

5. A lot of mud was used when Chetandas’ house was made. Why?
Ans. Because a thick layer of mud protects the house from cold and heat.

1. The people who used the toilets did not clean them. Discuss.
Ans. The people who used the toilet did not clean them, because they thought that that was a dirty job. Hence, people from basti used to come to clean the toilets and take away the waste.

2. Is there a toilet in your house? Who cleans it?
Ans. Yes, there are toilets in my house. We clean them.

1. What material have been used in making your house?
Ans. Bricks, cement, sand, concrete, wood and iron rod have been used in making my house. .

2. Find out the material from which your friend’s house is made? Is there any difference? Write about it.
Ans. The houses of my friends are also made with cement, sand, bricks and iron rods. There is no difference.

3. What kind of house do you think Chetandas’ grandchildren will live in?
Ans. They will live in the skyscrapers made with iron and cement.

4. Where would you like to live when you grow up?
Ans. I would like to live in a metropolitan city.