NCERT Class VII – Science

About Course
The NCERT Class 7 Science textbook is designed to introduce students to fundamental scientific concepts and principles in a structured and engaging way. Here’s a general overview of what it covers:
1. **Food: Where Does It Come From?**
– Discusses different sources of food, including plants and animals.
– Explores the concept of food chains and the importance of various food items for health.
2. **Components of Food**
– Explains nutrients and their functions, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
– Includes experiments and tests to understand the presence of different nutrients in food.
3. **Fibre to Fabric**
– Covers the process of making fabric from natural and synthetic fibers.
– Discusses different types of fibers, their sources, and their uses.
4. **Heat**
– Introduces the concept of heat and temperature.
– Explains methods of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation) and their applications.
5. **Acids, Bases, and Salts**
– Explores the properties of acids and bases, and how they interact.
– Includes practical experiments to identify acids and bases and their effects.
6. **Physical and Chemical Changes**
– Differentiates between physical and chemical changes.
– Provides examples and experiments to illustrate these concepts.
7. **Weather, Climate, and Adaptations of Animals to Climate**
– Discusses weather and climate, and how they affect living organisms.
– Looks at how animals adapt to their environments.
8. **Winds, Storms, and Cyclones**
– Examines different weather phenomena, including winds, storms, and cyclones.
– Explains their causes and effects on the environment.
9. **Soil**
– Covers the formation, types, and properties of soil.
– Includes information on soil conservation and its importance for agriculture.
10. **Rocks and Minerals**
– Introduces different types of rocks and minerals.
– Discusses their formation, properties, and uses.
11. **Body Movements**
– Describes the structure and function of the human skeletal and muscular systems.
– Explains how different body parts enable movement.
12. **Transportation in Animals and Plants**
– Looks at how nutrients and fluids are transported in animals and plants.
– Discusses the circulatory system in animals and the vascular system in plants.
13. **Reproduction in Plants**
– Explores how plants reproduce, including pollination and seed formation.
– Discusses different methods of plant reproduction.
14. **Motion and Time**
– Introduces the concept of motion and how it is measured.
– Discusses different types of motion and the use of clocks and calendars.
15. **Electric Current and its Effects**
– Explains the basics of electric current and its effects, such as heating and magnetic effects.
– Includes simple experiments with circuits.
16. **Light**
– Covers the nature of light, its properties, and how it behaves (reflection, refraction, etc.).
– Includes experiments to demonstrate these properties.
17. **Water**
– Discusses the importance of water, its properties, and the water cycle.
– Examines issues related to water conservation.
18. **Air**
– Explores the composition of air and its properties.
– Discusses the role of air in different natural processes.
The textbook is rich with illustrations, experiments, and activities designed to make learning science enjoyable and interactive for students.